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Landscape Furniture. Intermediate Beginner. Modelling Services. CatchUp Reviews. Unread posts New posts Active topics. Joint Push Pull Classic Old version - v2. It includes new extrusion tools and is more interactive. So you should consider migrating to this new version.

See this post. Here is the link to the starting post of this new resurrected plugin. JointPushPull Classic is a script that performs push pull on multiple faces in one operation. Unlike the native Sketchup push-pull tool, JPP Classic can maintain the continuity of the offset surfaces mode joint push pull. This is useful to thicken non-planar surfaces.

JPP also includes two additional modes: Vector and Normal working with multiple faces. You need to be a Member to view images or to make downloads. Last edited by fredo6 on Wed Apr 26, pm, edited 46 times in total.

Posts: Joined: Sat Nov 17, pm Name: a4chitect. How can i set for default for Joint, Vector and Normal Push pull in the finishing options "thickening" instead "erase original faces"?? Thank you, Daniel S PS. I mean Daniel S wrote: PS.

Picture 2. Fredo6 wrote: This would only work in single-face push pull but there would be no difference compared to the Sketchup tool. Because you need to be multi-face, you have to select the faces first. Remember that 2 successive JPP may not be equivalent to a single one on the total set of faces! Yes, I was hoping there would be a way to use a combination of the existing JPP options to trick it into producing a "multi-facet"-offset.

There is a right-parenthesis following "Thickening" in the Create Border Faces drop-down list. However, when you drag, you may want to skip some inferences. The black triangle at the cursor seems to be inferencing to other geometry.

Perhaps I am misinterpreting its usage? Last edited by JClements on Sun Feb 24, am, edited 7 times in total. Outstanding work! SketchUp Plugins for Professionals. What a tremendously useful tool. Thank you very much!! Or at least segment it into parts.

It would cut down on a step if you are trying to erase lines for a cleaner face. See image. I also very much want to see an offset tool for curved surfaces. Can it be done?

This is another step towards SU being able one day to model organic shapes with ease. The idea of an offset tool for curved surfaces would be fantastic. We have so many talented coders here that I believe Google is sitting back watching how SU is upgrading itself without much input from them as the users have given this amazing app a life of it's own.

OT: Now if only we can get some uber geek help on the texture mapping thing. Re: Joint Push Pull - Visual Edition by fredo6 » Sun Feb 24, pm On offset tool for curved surfaces : I am not totally clear on what several of you are targeting. Personally, I see 2 categories of such surface offset tool: 1 Only offsets the external border edges of the surface. This means for instance that all interior faces are left untouched. This does not exist in native Sketchup but can easily be done by a script.

Offset surface borders only. Last edited by fredo6 on Sun Feb 24, pm, edited 2 times in total. Re: Joint Push Pull - Visual Edition by fredo6 » Sun Feb 24, pm JClements wrote: "The editor makes full usage of the Sketchup inference mechanism so that you can visually adjust the distance by reference to a particular point in your model, as in most Sketchup tools.

Jeff here i attach the two icons again Daniel S. Posts: 29 Joined: Sat Nov 17, am. Picture 1. Process of drawing will be faster! Posts: Joined: Mon Nov 12, pm. I updated the files in the script repository also with non blurry icons. Updated with correct code in Ruby repository Fredo. Re: Joint Push Pull - Visual Edition by fredo6 » Mon Feb 25, pm Coen If you scale uniformly a surface, it will never match the original think of a sphere for instance.

However, this is somehow an approximate way to offset its contour, while preserving the overall shape of the surface. With the first method only offset the borders , you just use the shape of the outer borders and ignore the ones which are inside.

So if you offset by a large distance, you will certainly 'dilute' the shape of the surface. Both methods have their own benefits and drawbacks, and both can be implemented via a script. That's what I meant. Those who see when they are shown.

Those who do not see. Thank you so much for your generosity in sharing! Board index. Who is online. Users browsing this forum: amalzahra, fruitbat, jashung, popipoooo, tuhoan and 21 guests. Services Shop Advertise with us. There is also a Joint Push Pull menu in the selection contextual menu when one or several faces are selected Icon toolbar : Joint Push Pull 5 icons are available The plugin is free, for private and commercial usage.

Although the plugin is obsolete now, this old version is published on the Sketchucation PluginStore under the name JointPushPull Classic.

If you are unsure of your unzip operation, do it in a neutral folder and check that you reconstruct the right footprint. Then transfer the folders and files to the SU Plugin Directory. Select one or several objects faces, edges, groups or components. Only faces are taken into account. Click on the icon of one tool, for instance Joint Push Pull Pick a face and gently move the mouse to visualize the offset in wireframe.

On large models, you may thus get a blank screen for the time the script is computing. Do not panic, just wait, it may take several minutes! JPP also includes 2 additional buttons: - Undo - reselect faces as precisely the original faces could have been erased - Redo last Push Pull , allowing executing the last push pull on a new set of faces, with the same parameters.

This version does not work beyond SU Version 1. Here is the previous version, just in case version 1. This would only work in single-face push pull but there would be no difference compared to the Sketchup tool. Of course that are used in different situations but i think that you understand what i try to say. SketchUp has a lot of problems with curves faces including no offset This is one of the features that i was waiting for SU Daniel S 1 You need to be a Member to view images or to make downloads.

Well, to me this is practically the offset tool for curved surfaces. Or am I missing something? In such a case, I think it would always change even slightly the shape of the overall surface.

The best is probably to Scale the surface in all directions, and then move it to the closest position to fit the original surface. This can also easily be automated by a script. I put precisely some code to keep curves on the original surface to be as less destructive as possible. Note however that the generated corresponding contour is not welded as a curve. Is it the situation you have?

I guess you are on Mac.



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